Quote of the Day

Thursday, June 25, 2009

When one door closes.......

Talk about needing comfort food...... my place of employment announce today that it will be closing its doors after many many years of business. This town was built around its founding in the middle 1800s. Southbridge, " The eye of the Commonwealth" has been manufacturing eyewear since forever. So for today , we were told that it is closing starting in October and shortly there after. On a good note , I was offered a position to work with the R and D people...but for how long.....
So lets talk about comfort food.....it is hard to not try and comfort yourself with things that taste good....I feel bad....I feel excited....makes no sense...but I am sure you get the idea.
200 people out of a job...
Hip hip hooray for the economy.....when will it all end and get better ???

Peace for today....because when God closes a door he opens a window of opportunity..
Love you when I just cant say no to chocolate today...
Paula Lula Angel :0)

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