Quote of the Day

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Back On Track

First of all, Please ignore the previous blog. I hit enter by mistake and it posted.

Hello everybody!!!!!!!! Where are you? It seems the past month or so we've been slacking off. I know I'm guilty, and I think most everyone else is too. But this week, something just clicked in my head, and I'm back on track!!!! I all has to do with Jillian Michael's book Master Your Metabolism". I'm beginning to look at all that junk food I used to love as "poison" after reading about what it does to my body. We all wonder why there's so much cancer, diabedies and heart problems in this country. Well, now I know why. We're poisening ourselves with all the crap we put in our bodies! I'm slowly removing the processed food from my diet and guess what! I'm losing weight faster! Give it a try. It might be what you need to get on track too! Like Jillian says "If it didn't have a mother or didn't grow in the ground, don't eat it! Check out the ingredients on a box of any processed food, then look up the ingredients online. It'll scare the crap out of you!!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

What a great idea Yvette! I know that these are the types of foods we all love but they are most definitely the worst ones for us. Glad to hear at least one of us is on track!!