Quote of the Day

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Aint it the Truth !!!!

Isn't that the way....sometimes you look in the mirror and you see a thinner person looking back at you...sometimes you see only what your mind wants you to see.....like ....where you were when you first started...but like Katie said in the last post...the clothing size has changed so you know that you are a lot thinner than you were a few months ago.....so let us think about this.....
The mirror CAN be our friend.......look at yourself in the mirror in the morning and don't leave it until you find something that you LIKE about yourself...we are so quick to pick out our faults.....and flaws......lets focus on what is good.....I know that it isn't easy ..but let try to turn that negative self image into a positive one and all else will just fall in line....
The MIND is a powerful tool.....

Love you with a song in mind....from West Side Story, sung in front of a mirror...." I Feel Pretty " hum hum hum....

Paula Lula Angel :0)

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