Quote of the Day

Friday, May 8, 2009

FEAR.....very powerful

So you get close to where you want to be.....you can see the light at the end of the tunnel....goal is only a few short months away.....you can see it....you can feel it....you can even taste it.....then you eat, and eat , and eat,....why.......so often we , or I should say I, am so used to not getting to that final number.......I get really close......and then I fail......I do this only to myself......why.....because it is easier .....being good is hard work...and the benefits far out way anything out there.....but what is it I am afraid of......could it be ....the next size clothes down....although it is very exciting, might I be afraid of single digit numbers because it is new territory.....I am not sure that I am making much sense here...but I do need time to reflect on this.....what is stopping you from losing weight...lets face our fears together...we can do this...we deserve this...we want this...

Love you when I am not sure that I want to be a size 8.... ????
Lula Angel :0)

1 comment:

Jess said...

what's stopping me from losing weight? 2 words - devil dogs! :o)