Quote of the Day

Monday, April 20, 2009


Excuses excuses....I want to be good....I know that I can be good....but am I good....well here is my story...I am not sure if you have this problem..but here is my problem....
MONDAY : " OH Lord can it be Monday already...I was planning on having a good week, where did the days go ????
TUESDAY : "That is better...I am in control now...I will fix the damage that I did over weekend, heck I am down a little today from Mondays weigh in."
WEDNESDAY : " I am doing really well on this challenge....now I have a hold on myself and what goes into my mouth !"
THURSDAY : " I am working really hard on this...counting everything, I am even down a pound or two....hey....I will just have a little .... (fill in the blanks) .
FRIDAY : "Good gosh what a week , work is crazy, housework to do, kids need this and that , and then there is no time to rest...I want to sit and enjoy my company.....hhhmmmm...whats for supper...yeah that is a good idea....LETS EAT !!"
SATURDAY : "Did someone say TAKE OUT ??? Lets go out for breakfast.....hhhmmm ...well we can get subs....or I just need to stop here to get ....a....ummm....water ??? "
SUNDAY : "Wow Sunday...gotta get up and bring mom..but I will eat before I leave, that way I am not tempted to eat at the flea mkt.....stop at Teds to get papers and coffee, a little muffin, yes, that is good, I can count it as lunch......visit the people at the flea mkt, then come home to get ready for church, oh you want to go out for breakfeast.....okay....that would be great....( don't want to disappoint anyone, I will have a tea and a small something, oh why not have an egg and whatever....." Vicious cycle of reasoning...hehehehe...and OH MY GOSH !! tomorrow is weigh in day...heheheheee..what the heck...why do we do this to ourselves...
Is anyone one else out there like me......???
Peace and Love to all while I .... WRITE WHAT I BITE !!!!!

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