Quote of the Day

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Choir Rehersal !!!

Okay , okay,,,what the heck would choir practice have to do with weight loss....well here is my little story......I am, at the moment in rehearsals for a play, Godspell, and I have choir rehearsal on Tuesday nights as well...this means that I am out of the house 3 times a week. Sunday afternoons, Monday and Tuesday nights......I leave the house at 6:45 and do not return until 9 or so. I have not had dinner, so when I get home I am STARVING !!!. I do have a snack before I leave for rehearsal, this is a good plan., and when I get home , "Thank you Katie" my dinner plate is ready for me and all I have to do is heat and eat. This has been a life saver...but what about the days when I need to care for myself....isn't easier to just stop and get a quick bite.....easier yes...good for me ....NO !!!. So if you are a busy busy person, plan ahead on those days that you know that you will not be home to prepare a meal.... I know that we are not all fortunate to have a Katie to take care of you, but I guess what I am trying to say is Plan, Plan , Plan,
Prior Planning Prevents Pudgy People........and so far it has worked.....slow coming ....but steady....I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...and I never want to back up on the track.

Love and Peace to you all as I leave you on a high note !
Lets show Chris that together we can all do this...we are worth it.!!!
Paula Lula ( choir ) Angel :0)

1 comment:

Katie said...

I thought you were going to talk about the VERY EXCITING that you discovered after choir rehearsal last night!