Quote of the Day

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Two Bites

At 6 AM my day did start,
Up I rose from bed with Bart,

I showered, cleaned and dressed and ate,
To work today, I couldn't wait.

The morning went along just fine,
A Supplier tried to cross the line,

"There is no more for me to give!"
"Less Cost Now or You won't Live!"

Later on, gym time came,
Shoulders and Chest to build my frame,

Sauna's Heat, was o-so-sweet,
Now on to lunch to eat some meat!

Chef Salad, Turkey and Ham I ate,
Low low calories, Lunch was great!

Then to the breakroom I dared tread,
There it was, the buttered bread,

I mustn't let temptation win,
I want so much to be much more thin!

But temptation came and gripped my soul,
I grabbed the butter, I grabbed the roll.

It spread so nice and yellow and bright,
Its not wrong, it smelled so right.

So to my mouth the bread did go,
and with my teeth my soul sunk low.

Bite one, bite two, chew, chew, chew.
The guilt consumed me, what could I do.

To the garbage can I did go,
and the buttered roll I did throw.

So dear readers, when you aren't strong,
Don't give in, that is wrong.

You can stop at any time,
Waste a roll, its not a crime.

So if you can't resist the call,
Take two bites, and that is all.


Lulaangel7 said...

Good Job Chris...I know that the two bites tasted wonderful..but...nothing taste as good as thin and healthy feels...

Love you .... MOM..... :0)

Yvette said...

Way to go Chris!!!

Anonymous said...

I love it!!!! How man times have we all started eating something and said, this isn't that great but kept eating it anyway. Waste food! It's good for you!